Large economic groups and agribusiness: Centralities Redefinitions and Spatial Interactions in the Southeast of Eastern Amazon


  • Reges Sodré Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG
  • Helbaneth Macêdo Oliveira Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU



Centralities. Spatial Interactions. Economic Groups and Agribusiness. Southeast of Eastern Amazon.


The integration of cities in the Southeast of Eastern Amazon has passed by important redefinitions in relation to the centralities and spatial interactions. For that reason, this work analyzes the redefinitions of those centralities and interactions, taking into consideration the increasing performance of large economic groups and agribusiness.  This investigation was executed by having the bibliographic revision, analyses of the publications of REGIC (IBGE, 2008, 2020), and gathering information of economic groups of Empresas Mais Ranking (2020) of O Estado de São Paulo Newspaper. It was evidenced that at the top of the regional hierarchy, Palmas (TO) and Imperatriz (MA) have extended their roles and regional functions, being privileged focuses of investments by large national retail economic groups. Some parts of the segments of Araguaína (TO) and Marabá are captured by Redenção (PA) and Balsas (MA) ascension, which are cities in process of consolidating as the medium-sized. Those centers are targets of intense investments of big agribusiness corporations, as well as retailer groups in rising. Towards the base of that set, different cities are specializing in the supply of agriculture and logistics productive consumption, such as Porto Nacional (TO) and Açailândia (MA).


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Author Biographies

Reges Sodré, Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG

Doutorando em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (PPGeo/IESA/UFG). Bolsista CAPES. Mestre em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (PPGEO/IG/UFU). Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos Geográficos da Amazônia e do Tocantins – GEGATO e do grupo Territórios e Fluxos.

Helbaneth Macêdo Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU

Geógrafa. Doutoranda em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (PPGEO/IG/UFU). Bolsista CAPES. Membro da ReCiMe - Rede de Pesquisadores sobre Cidades Médias e do grupo de pesquisa Sul Global e Novas Dinâmicas Urbanas.



How to Cite

SODRÉ, R.; MACÊDO OLIVEIRA, H. Large economic groups and agribusiness: Centralities Redefinitions and Spatial Interactions in the Southeast of Eastern Amazon. Revista da Casa da Geografia de Sobral (RCGS), [S. l.], v. 23, n. 1, p. 114–143, 2021. DOI: 10.35701/rcgs.v23.772. Disponível em: // Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.


